Love, Duty & Sacrifice

Love, Duty & Sacrifice


Nicola Webb

2023 | 290pp pb | ISBN: 978­1­914002­34­2

Also available as an eBook here

A true love story that defied convention and class

Author Nicola Webb, tells the story of John Patricius (Patrick) Chaworth Musters who, in 1860 is born, heir to a wealthy landowning and mining family in Nottinghamshire.  Bedfordshire lass, Mary Anne Sharpe, joins the household as a junior housemaid in 1881. They become a couple, and failing to  part them, Patrick’s parents send them to live in Norway, unwed, but away from ‘polite society’. 

Four years and four children later, Patrick inherits the family’s vast estate early, and returns to England. He marries Mary Anne, who reluctantly takes on the daunting role of lady of the manor.  Happily matched, the couple have eleven children but lose six family members in the Great War. This is a story of love, duty, and sacrifice, which within 100 years, leaves the dynasty shattered and the family’s wealth drained.

 The book is likely to appeal to anyone interested in family sagas, the Victorian ‘Downton Abbey’ lifestyle, local history, and personal stories from World War One.

 Local historian, David Amos: “This book fills an important gap in the history of Annesley”. 

Family member, Julia G (USA): “Five stars. A well-researched account of an interesting love story… which covers the various lives of a particular family in the North of England. I enjoyed reading it”.

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